Bloemendaal, Republiek, May 2008. I like to just go to the beach for coffee in the morning, stay an hour and go back. This morning I went straight after I had been to the gym. It was shortly after nine and I had not even showered. Because my usual hang-out Tyn Akersloot was preparing for a party today (I saw them putting up a tent yesterday: not a good sign), I decided to go North from the station as supposed to South, like I always do. The North runs towards Bloemendaal, which has a completely different vibe. We call it high-strung, pretentious and fake, others may find it ' young', 'hip' and 'happening'. Beachclub Republiek is certainly a happening place, but not at 9:45 in the morning. It was beautiful, quiet, sunny and nice. I was having a great time and it never took me so long to read a paper (I read it all!). But then ofcourse people with children started pouring in with groups of screaming kids in front, behind and on both sides of me. Time to leave. I then got to beachclub Vroeger. Tacky but fabulous for today and I even lounged on one of their beds until their dumn music started to really annoy me.

Bloemendaal, Vroeger, May 2008.