zaterdag 8 november 2008

Hot Chocolate

Zandvoort, November 8th, Beach Day Index = 7. I Guess it is exceptional for this time of year to be on the beach with such good conditions. But having to order hot chocolate is just not fitting my picture of 'beach life'. Weather conditions in the Netherlands have been exceptionally good over the past few weeks. Every weekend is sunny and temperatures stay mild. It had been two weeks or so since I was on the beach for the last time. We walked through the town of Zandvoort and came across the town musuem. Zandvoort is not a beautiful town especially not right on the beach. In the museum I learned -I could have known- that Zandvoort's beautiful seas side community was demolished during the war to create the 'Atlantic Wall'. Looking at the pictures it seems like one day Zandvoort was indeed a place with style, nice hotels and a sea side resort look.

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