Amsterdam, 13 July. It has been windy, rainy and cloudy the past few days. Now and then skies clear up and at those times the sun is warm and inviting. This may sound like a contradiction, but now and then I long for rainy days. They allow you to stay in and do stuff in the house or just be lazy, watch a movie or something. Full sunny days are ofcourse great, but days like this, where the weather changes from fall to spring and back, make me restless. Yes or No for the beach? Madon is visiting me from Ibiza for a few weeks and we explored the city a bit. We took the ferry to ' North ' to have a glass of wine at Wilhelmina Dock, a restaurant on the water side.
This blog is about beaches and travel. Those are my passion, I am always looking for great beautiful beaches. You'll see me rating beaches with the Beach Day Index (BDI), which includes, weather, water, sand, company, wind, mood, music, drinks and everything that has an influence on the experience. The BDI (Beach Day Index) goes from 1 to 10 for a perfect day.
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