zaterdag 14 februari 2009

Sun Anxiety Disorder

Amsterdam, February 2009. Either my eyes have opened this winter or this is really the sunniest winter ever in Amsterdam. I have the feeling it is non-stop sunny in the Netherlands and that doesn't match its reputation of cold rainy and grey days year around. Ofcourse I am happy with sunny days, but what is a sunny day if you cant really enjoy the outdoors. For starters, you wont get a tan here up North and it is usually too cold or windy to sit and enjoy the sun. My personal issue is that I live in an apartment that has limited day-light so when the sun is out, I feel a huge pressure to be outside, but being outside is more or less uncomfortable with the wind and cold. It makes me restless where a good old rainy and gray day would give me the peace of mind to stay indoors and just relax. I cant relax indoors when it is sunny. I think I have some sort of sun anxiety disorder.

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