Ibiza, October 9th. We are back in Madon's Ibiza apartment that's located right on the harbor of Eivissa. Is feels great to be back on the island. The weather is 'fall-like' with high winds and rain, but the apartment seems to offer just the right atmosphere for that with the fireplace burning, dim lights a good meal and a glass of wine. After that a walk through town. Ibiza is in the 'closing-mood'. This is a yearly occurrence when the summer season ends, clubs and restaurants close for the winter season and there are no more tourists in the street. The ' closing-process' is led by the big clubs that use the opportunity to draw one more time a full house by organizing ' closing party's'. Many tourists come to the island especially for that, to just part one more time and hang on that summer feeling. Closing parties have taken place when we arrive but they are still advertised everywhere. I think most took place in the week before we arrived and it must have been quite a week with sunny weather and high temperatures. Today all that is left is the gloomy feeling of fall. I never realized how much impact these weeks have on the island, when it goes from party-paradise to sleepy-island. The locals that have worked during the tourist season in bars, clubs and restaurants have made their choice to leave the island for the winter and those that haven't feel the pressure they can not stay because of the fear they may be the only ones left on the island. So when they meet each other in the street they ask 'where are you going this winter', some of them go to far places like Brazil, Thailand or South Africa to just continue the summer there, others choose places closer by or places that have a real winter like London or Amsterdam. I feel double about the atmosphere. I am no longer a party-boy, so even if the clubs would be open, I most likely would not go and I love the island to be quiet. On the other hand feeling that the season is over even in Ibiza that always feels so like summer is a bit depressing. How many people have visited the Island this year? How many have fallen in love, like me? How many days were spent on the beach, how many bottles of wine were drunk, how much fun did everyone have this season... and now it's over. Ugh. This weather makes me all melancholic. But I know that another day of sun, will make me go to the beach and will instantly get me back in that summer mood. Will the sun come out?
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